What’s Your Summer Hobby?

At Better Built Barns in Oregon, we know that everyone has a favorite hobby. While you may have several hobbies, there are one or two that occupy most of your time. If you have outdoor interests or hobbies that require a workspace, then summer can be the perfect season for dedicating time to these pursuits. A custom shed can be the ideal spot for your summer hobby, and we’d love to help you build your new backyard structure. Contact us today to get started!
RC Cars
Growing up, you may have had remote-controlled (RC) cars and trucks that you raced up and down the driveway or down the street. You competed against friends and neighbors, and you built ramps for those amazing jumps that launched your RC car into the air.
Now that you’re older, your interest in RC vehicles hasn’t waned, and you’ve taken it up a notch with bigger, faster cars. You spend a lot of your free time building new models and fine-tuning the electric engines so that your RC cars run smoothly during every race. With competitions that give away big prizes, your summer may be focused on creating the perfect RC car in your new outdoor shed.
Summer is a great time for working with your hands, and woodworking can be the perfect outlet for someone who wants to build something unique. If your hobby is woodworking, then building a new shed can give you the space to create new pieces of furniture, cabinetry, and more. Instead of taking up space in the garage, you can move your tools and your workbench to the shed and have your own area where you can make a mess (and not necessarily have to clean it up each time you work).
Your new backyard shed can have power run to it by way of extension cords, or you can have dedicated outlets added to the building. You’ll want to be sure to check with your town or city on local ordinances regarding new electric wiring for outdoor buildings. It can be worth it to have electricity for all of your power tools!
If you travel during the summer, then you likely take a bunch of photos to commemorate your trips. You might want to develop your own pictures, and a shed can be the perfect space for a darkroom. You can set up everything you need in one section in order to work on improving your techniques, and you can even frame and display a few photos in the front part of the shed.
If you’re working in portraiture, your shed can serve as the perfect photo studio. Individuals and families can come to your home and sit for a one-hour session, and you can provide them with professional photographs that will hang in their home for years to come. You can also update the landscaping around your shed to create the perfect outdoor space for a family photo shoot!
No matter what your summer hobby is, a new shed can do wonders for your ability to work on all of the things that interest you. Contact us today to see what options we have available, and to learn more about our construction and installation process.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Custom and PreFab Sheds Available Near You