Building a New Motorcycle This Summer?

You’ve been waiting all winter for spring to arrive so that you can get back out in the garage and work on all the projects that have been sitting for several months. If you’re a gearhead, then your favorite projects are those that involves vehicles and engines of virtually any type.
If your plan is to build a new motorcycle this summer, then let Better Built Barns in Oregon help you find the perfect custom garage. We have great options to choose from, and instead of taking up space next to the car or truck, you can have your very own shop where you can build your next chopper or off-road bike!
What Will You Need?
Depending on what type of motorcycle you’re building or restoring, there are a few things you’re going to need. Obviously you’ll need an engine, a chassis, forks, a seat, and a fuel tank. You may already have an engine picked out, but you want to custom-build the chassis to fit your modifications. You may also be building the engine from the ground up, which means you’ll need plenty of space for tools, parts, etc. Staying organized is key, and with your new garage, you’ll know where everything is.
You’ll also need to think about what parts you’ll need for your bike. If you’re customizing an old bike, then it might be difficult to find parts, which could leave you behind schedule when it comes to your build. Older bikes can be easier to work on, since they are less complicated electrically and mechanically than newer motorcycles. You might prefer to rebuild a carburetor than add a new fuel injection system, which makes older bikes perfect for you.
Define Your Goals
If this is your first build, then you might want to keep it as simple as possible. You want a bike that’s street legal, but you don’t want it breaking down every 100 miles. Before you break out the cutter and the torch to make your chassis, figure out what style of bike you want and how realistic it is for you to achieve that goal. It’s important to be realistic about how long it’s going to take you from start to finish to complete your bike. If you want to be riding by July, then it’s best to get started as soon as possible.
You may not have all the necessary skills to build your motorcycle on your own, and that’s where a bit of help and education can come in handy. You might have a friend who knows a thing or two about bikes, and they may be willing to help you. You can also look into courses that teach mechanics or bodywork, and get the info and skills you need.
Create Your Workspace
Once you know what parts you’ll need, what your goals are, and how long it’s going to take you, you can create the workspace for your new project. Our team can help you choose the ideal option for your custom shop or garage, and the new building can be up in no time at all. You can add upgrades such as a workbench or pegboard that will help you keep your tools organized.
Instead of taking up space in your current garage, or working in your driveway every evening, let Better Built Barns provide you with a beautiful new building. Your new shop can have an automatic overhead door, a lofted storage area, and everything else you need.
Contact us today to learn more about our custom building options. We promise to provide quality services and excellent products that make building your new motorcycle easier than ever.
We look forward to hearing from you!
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