A Shed for All Seasons

Now that it’s the first day of July, your mind is likely on what you’re going to do for the rest of the summer. However, the season only lasts for so long, and before you know it, the cooler weather of fall will return. At Better Built Barns in Oregon, we know that you need storage for yard tools and outdoor equipment all year round, which is why we’re proud to offer custom sheds for all seasons. It doesn’t matter if it’s July or January — you’ll love using your new shed!
Summer is the time when you work outside in the garden, take care of the yard, and generally enjoy the outdoors. You might need somewhere to store your lawnmower, or you might be looking for a spot to park your motorcycle when you’re not out riding it down the highway. A shed can provide the perfect summer storage, no matter if it’s a potting shed or a mechanic’s shop.
Once fall arrives, your mind turns to one thing — raking the leaves in your yard. Your new shed will come in handy when you need to store your rakes, lawn and leaf bags, and other supplies for autumn. You’ll also start putting away those items you used during the summer, such as garden hoses or the kids’ bikes that they’ve been riding for the past few months. As you button up the yard and get ready for winter, you’ll be glad you have a shed in your backyard.
Winters in Oregon can be very cold, with plenty of snowfall, depending on where you are. Snow shovels, snowblowers, and other snow removal equipment needs to go somewhere when you’re not using it, and the garage may not be the best option, since you need to park the car in there during the winter months. By having our team put up a shed, you can have the perfect storage for your winter tools, including the ice melt that you buy in bulk every year.
Spring brings new life, and as the days begin warming up a bit, you may start thinking about the garden you’re going to plant or what you’re going to do once the temperature is just right. Your shed can be the perfect spot for your starter plants, and you can turn it into something of a greenhouse for the spring. If your motorcycle or bicycles have been in storage all winter, then you can spend that first decent weekend tuning everything up to get ready for that first ride.
Find Your Shed Today
As you can see, your custom shed could be used all year round. With sturdy construction, it will be able to withstand any weather, and you can fill it with seasonal items or keep things stored for the entire year. Whatever the case may be, we know that you’ll love your shed and the many uses you can get out of it during the year.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Custom and PreFab Sheds Available Near You